This book is intended to be a set of instructions and reminders for what to do to restore and maintain health naturally. There are also two areas it is specifically intended to not cover. These are:

  1. Diagnose, prevent, treat, mitigate or cure of any disease, and,
  2. Extensively explain why a course of action is beneficial.

For those people who, as children, would not clean their room or do other chores until their mother provided an explanation as to why it was important or necessary, this approach may be challenging. If you fall in that category, I suggest that you do whatever additional research that you find necessary to prevent you from depriving yourself of beneficial results.

Assume that, if something is suggested in this book, there is probably a very good reason for it. Since this book is being written to me, for me, by me as a reminder of how to optimize my own health, and since I already trust that what I have learned is valid, providing lengthy, extended explanations is beyond the scope of this book.

Where practical, I plan to suggest resources for additional study for those readers who are not me.
