Chapter 11: Raw Foodage

RawVeggies-300Eating only raw fruits and vegetables is a controversial subject. Many experts claim that it is the only way that a person can be truly healthy. A few people and even an occasional doctor believe that it can be harmful to health. These contradictions lead us to two essential areas of knowledge which will help YOU decide which belief works best for YOU.

  1. IntestinalView-300Your body MAY NOT have the proper microbiome required to properly digest many raw vegetables and fruits.Microbiologist Justin Sonnenburg has discovered that the burger-and-fries diet that many (most) Americans have been raised on has resulted in loss of most of the intestinal microbes that are required to break down high-fiber foods. Additionally, if you are a second or third generation low fiber consumer, the condition may be irreversible. To read more on this subject, see:
  2. DigestiveBacteria-300You must eat some raw fruits and vegetables in order to support excellent health.
    Extinct intestinal microbes aside, without some raw fruits and vegetables your digestive system will plug up and shut down. In addition to the raw fiber that is important for intestinal and colon cleansing, fresh raw foods contain important enzymes and microbes for digestion and nutrient assimilation. This will also help you avoid the loss of what digestive microbes you still have. And, if you have even a smattering of nearly-extinct digestive microbes surviving in your body, raw fruits and vegetables are the support they need to thrive and multiply—not only for you, but for future generations of your offspring.

TargetArrows-300My personal target is 80% raw food. Just as with any target, we might not always hit the bulls-eye. If I eat at least 50% raw food I am not too critical of myself. If I go too many days at only 50% I begin planning how to improve that back to more than 80%. Here are some of the ways to include raw foods in a delicious and appealing way:


Fresh-squeezed orange juice and/or lemonade.

Citrus juices are best made with a hand-juicer or low-speed
citrus juicer rather than a press, masticating or centrifugal juice
extractor because the latter causes foaming.

Oil from the peel of lemons is okay, however orange oil
is both flammable and toxic. For this reason even a citrus press
like the OrangeX should not be used for orange juice.

Carrot juice with parsley, cucumber or apple

A press, masticating or centrifugal juice extractor is needed to
make this juice. I personally prefer to filter off most of the
carrot pulp. It is probably better to drink it if you can handle it.

Starting recipe: (Adjust to taste and desired quantity)

  • 1 lb. fresh, crisp, cold carrots. Trim ends if needed.
  • Handful of fresh, cold parsley.
  • 1/2 fresh, cold cucumber -OR-
  • 1/2 fresh, cold sweet apple (Fuji, Delicious, etc)

Apple juice with parsley and lemon

This is so delicious it is the one that is usually offered to entice people to purchase an expensive  juicer!


  • 2 fresh, cold sweet apples (Fuji, Delicious, etc)
  • Handful of parsley
  • 1/2 cold lemon, peel and all

Fresh green smoothies

See chapter 7 of this book for some recipes.

For many more recipes of amazing smoothies, see the “RAW FAMILY” website.

“Total Juice” made in a Vitamix or Blendtec leaving the pulp in.

Anything that you might juice in a juice extractor can be “liquified” in a Vitamix or Blendtec super blender. Add ice cubes to thin and chill.

Doc Golob’s Carrot Salad

PURPOSE: This is an effective liver flush, and benefits all parts of the body. Eat with (or as) the evening meal for seven straight days each month.

  • 1 Cup finely shredded or super-blended carrots
  • 1 Tablespoon Olive oil (cold pressed, virgin)
  • 1 Tablespoon Lemon juice (from a real, fresh lemon)

(May add raisins, rice, apples, beets, onions, etc.)

Vegetable “soup” made at low-temperature in a Vitamix or
Blendtec super blender

Let your imagination run wild! Foods that you may not like whole can become amazing in a raw soup. Zucchini, green beans, broccoli, peas, carrots, cauliflower, mushrooms, tomatoes, peppers — whatever.

NOT RECOMMENDED are white potatoes, as they taste starchy until heated.

SPEAKING OF HEAT, super-blenders will produce cooking temperatures quickly. Be certain to shut it off before going beyond “warm.”

Fresh “Zucchetti” with cold sauce and marinated mushrooms

(Start playing first to make full-size.)

Dates, figs, prunes, raisins, raw nuts.

Excellent take-along snack food or lunch. Mix in some raw cacao nibs for chocolaty flavor and a magnesium boost.

Salads and slaws of unlimited kinds

Be imaginative, especially remembering you can have 20% cooked
condiments in them.

GOURMET raw foods.

Once you try some of the amazingly delicious recipes that are
available for gourmet raw eating you will likely want to try them
all. An excellent starting place for these is Ani Phyo‘s website at While you are
there, be certain to download her free e-book on tart cherry

Apples, peaches, pears, cherries, berries, melons, tomatoes …

… and whatever else you find in the fresh produce section.
Rinse and eat

Yams, sweet potatoes, squash and pumpkin

These can be turned into some amazing raw cakes and pies,
if you learn how.

HINT: If the snack food section is larger than the fresh produce section, you are in the
wrong store!
